Zwai kwok

Zwai kwok

Zwaikwok 是一個多方面沒有框框設計的首飾品牌!由簡單容易佩戴飾物到誇張表演用途飾物都會製作設計。 Zwai Kwok是一個土生土長的香港人,設計靈感來源就是從小生活週邊事物來領悟啟發出來。 Zwai 本身是一位工作十年以上的國際大型品牌櫥窗設計師,因為常常接觸各大國際服飾品牌,所以漸漸愛上飾物設計! 2018年正式成為首飾設計師,設計出不同系列,其中最鮮明有圍繞香港主題飾物,希望從而推廣及保存香港文化。Zwai 更會參與合作為歌手及藝人們設計出誇張飾物作表演之用。 Zwaikwok is a quality accessories brand with out design boundaries. Our brand ranges from street-wear pieces to elegant, elaborated collections. Zwaikwok is a designer native of Hong Kong. Our design inspiration is drawn from everyday objects around us. Zwai is an international visual designer with more than ten years experience. His previous working experience exposed him to many international brands and he gradually falls in love with accessories design! In 2018, he started his brand and designed different collections and series. The most distinctive creation is the theme of Hong Kong, which hopes to promote and preserve Hong Kong culture. Our collection has also been on loan to various local artists and performers.