出品可能基於原料性質或偶有手作痕跡, 包括 (並不限於)
+樹脂膠氣泡, 此是自然現象
+保鮮花一段時間後退色 (這是必然現象)
+金屬褪色:請理解地球所有東西也難逃氧化 (即使是貴如真金白銀),儘管16K包金鍍金已是高保色, 參考「如何好好保養飾品」一欄可延緩氧化
首飾設計小巧細緻,請勿用力拉扯、重壓,飾品會容易變型和損壞的 ><
避免香水、漂白水等化學物質, 請於使用化妝品、香水、護膚品、髮型噴霧後才佩帶飾物
Processing time
This item is custom and handmade to order, the processing time is within 5 working days (excluding Sunday and Hong Kong public holidays) Thanks for your patience! If you have any questions about delivery, please leave a note and text me.
Please read it carefully, the ultimate shipping policy is as follow
To ensure you can receive the product, please fill in your real name, mobile/phone no. and address correctly. The entire order must be shipped to a single address. Please note that if your package is returned by the shipper as “undelivered,” you are responsible for both the outgoing and incoming shipping charges, unless the mistake was my oversight.
*Shipments to Hong Kong:
1) Ordinary Packet (平郵)
about 1 - 3 working days
*Shipments to Taiwan:
-by HK Post
-about 4-7 working days
-Online track & trace
*Shipments to Japan, U.S., Canada, Thailand, Singapore, Brazil, UK, France, Germany, Swizerland, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Isreal, South Korea, Macao, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand:
-by HK Post
-about 7-14 working days
-Online track & trace
*Shipments to China: Due to the complex legal custom procedure, there is no international shipping I provide. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
*Shipments to other countries: The shipping fee may vary. To get the right shipping rate, please text me before order.
It is assumed you have read and understood my shipping policies and agree to assume all risk for the shipment including any additional charges or any problems that may arise.