CRECRA - 反進化論-猿人拉鍊袋



Interesting Ape-man pattern with a thick canvas fabric,beautiful and durable in one TOPFOREST bag. We use 100% of natural canvas with advanced printing technology which carefully produced each bag.
Bag Size: 38 cm wide x 42 cm high + 9 cm deep
地區及國家 第一件運費 其後每件加收
香港 $15 $15




- 發貨時間
現成商品:確認收款後的 3個工作天內寄出商品。(星期日及公 眾假期除外)

- 到貨時間
香港:寄出後約 3個工作天內送達(星期六日及公眾假期除外)
其他地方:各地所需運送時間都不同,請事先向 CREator 查詢。


感謝您訂購該產品! 本店承諾在出貨前檢查所有商品以確保品質。 1. 在收到商品後,請立刻檢查商品是否正確,並只接受因產品本身的缺憾問題退貨,如有問題請於 3 個工作天內與我們聯絡並提供[訂單號碼、產品資料及換貨原因]。聯絡後 7 天內需寄回保持完整清潔 (包括任何產品標籤)的商品,超過時限未寄回視為不更換並取消保留。除了瑕疵品之外,如因個人因素如喜好變換,自行損壞等恕不退貨。 -  退換貨須保持商品完整性。即商品無沾染彩妝、香水、汙漬等人為瑕疵、商品無下水,包裝、配件、標籤、說明書及訂單發票齊全完整。( 退貨時,如當初訂購商品有附贈品,此贈品須一併退回。) 2. 換貨後恕不接受退貨。 3. 基於衛生及安全理由,所有食品/飲品、已開封的護理產品均不接受更換或退款。 註 : 如有任何爭議,本店保留最終的決定權。 Thank you for ordering our bags! 1. Upon receipt, buyer should check the product is correct as ordered. Contact the Seller within 3 working days with order number, product info and reasons for return/exchange if there is any problem otherwise it is considered as acceptance. Deliver the product in the original packaging and in the same original condition to the Seller. Except for damaged product, buyer needs to bear the delivery cost. - Buyer must keep the product as clean as original - no contamination of make up, perfume or stains; return together with original packaging, accessories (if any), labels, manuals and invoices. (Buyer should also return free gift sent with the ordered product, if any.) 2. No Return will be accepted after product has been exchanged. 3. Return/Exchange for food, beverages and opened skin care products are not accepted. Remark: in case of any dispute, Seller reserves the final right of decision.
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